Greetings to you All

 This is Pastor Joshi Prakash founder of GRACE MINISTRIES, Andhapradesh State, South India.  I have been in the full-time ministry 19 years through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We carry on the Grace Ministries by faith. 

Our ministry is mostly working among the people who do not know Christ in the villages and tribal areas. God placed the burden of saving many souls to add into the Kingdom of God.

 We have had a good divine relationship with Pastor Randy and his ministry, Connecting Your Vision for the past five years, I strongly believe that God has established this good fellowship, we have been so blessed spiritually by the word of God that he provides, and the spiritual guidance that Pastor Randy provides has been beneficial for the growth of my ministry. I am so thankful for the many words of encouragement and the anointing that they carry. 

Pastor Randy who has observed our ministries, through God’s guidance he has been promoting our ministries and helping us to feeding 60 children every month since last year. I praise God for Blessed fellowship with Mighty man of God. 

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our feeding Ministry, If God allows, I hope to do many more ministries together in the future. Let us all build His Kingdom in India. 

Much Love
Pastor Joshi Prakash
Grace Ministries India 

To all the brothers of Connecting Your Vision International Ministry, I send you greetings on behalf of my family, my church and myself. I am Pastor Jose Matamoros, I Pastor at Iglesia Ensancha El Reino de Dios, which is located in the community of Calle Real in Tolapa part of Leon, Nicaragua.

I want to thank Pastor Randy Hooper for coming to visit our community, despite it not being a well populated area. I remember when I requested that Pastor Randy come and preach here, I thought he wouldn’t come and to my surprise you came. You are a man of God; a humble man and I want to thank you for coming. Not knowing that your arrival would open the doors to the children of our region being fed lunch once a month. I want to leave you with this testimony, that as a result of feeding the children, many of the parents of the children have been converted and now are part of our church. God bless you mightily. I want to say, please continue to support Pastors Randy & Vicki Hooper in Nicaragua. We are grateful, it has been a blessing and we pray the that you will continue to help us enlarge the Kingdom of God. I leave you with this, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed”. So, God is good and will repay everyone and the Ministry. Thank you very much, may God bless you mightily. Blessings and big hugs.


Pastor Jose Matamoros 
Iglesia Ensancha El Reino de Dios 
Leon, Nicaragua

The children’s canteens have been operating for more than 25 years at the heart of our Ciudad de Dios Ministry, because of the promise I made when I was very young.

I am the daughter of a single mother and we are 6 brothers, we suffered a lot of hunger to the point that my mom had to give us glasses of water throughout the night. One day I went to my neighbor’s house traded some of our spoons of the house for a plate of beans, when taking the plate of beans my mother decided to give it to the younger brother, and while the child was eating, a grain of beans fell and I remembered that I picked it up, I put it into my mouth and I ate it, I felt it was the best dish for me, the best taste I felt. Then I promised that when I was an adult, I would have plenty of food and feed many children.

We started by sharing the food of our home, then we involved the church with things that could contribute, (every day we added more people who were hungry) and that was how we continued to join efforts until we knocked on doors to get soy and rice; and we continue knocking on doors because the expenses grew, in fuel, cooks, kitchen utensils, to provide a special and complete food, so the Lord has been blessing the dining rooms.

A year ago, the Connecting Your Vision Ministry, of Pastors Randy and Vicki Hooper have been blessing us with food, we feel that it is an answer to our prayers, it really was a surprise, and a response from God, because God always surprises us. This help means a lot to us because it is a complement of love and effort to our Ministry.

For the families of the community of the community of Santa Matilde Chichigalpa, it means food, one less worry, one less burden, there are children who do not go out to work on the day of the dining room, do not go out to sell tortillas or work in the fields, because that day they already know that they have their food guaranteed.

God bless all the people who collaborate and send their contribution through the Connecting Your Vision Ministry, God reward your love for Pastors Randy and Vicki Hooper’s Feeding the Kids Program.

Pastor Judith Zelaya 
Iglesia Ciudad de Dios 
Chichigalpa, Nicaragua.

It's a simple matter of focus...

The Feeding the Kids program offers lunch to all children to ensure they eat at least once a day. In addition, it serves to convince parents who are suspicious of the usefulness of educational institutions so that they send their children to class, instead of putting them to work.

Help us help them

Helping low-income children in Nicaragua and families in general, this is the fundamental area of ​​action that we have maintained as of 2018. In short, several years without interruption and that we will continue to maintain with the support and financing of each one of us. our donor friends.

Feeding the Kids Gladly Accepts Food Donations!

The days, months, or years that a child goes without proper nutrition creates problems that last a lifetime. But when you feed kids through Connecting your Vision, you become part of the solution

It's a simple matter of focus...

The Feeding the Kids program offers lunch to all children to ensure they eat at least once a day. In addition, it serves to convince parents who are suspicious of the usefulness of educational institutions so that they send their children to class, instead of putting them to work.

Help us help them

Helping low-income children in Nicaragua and families in general, this is the fundamental area of ​​action that we have maintained as of 2018. In short, several years without interruption and that we will continue to maintain with the support and financing of each one of us. our donor friends.

Feeding the Kids Gladly Accepts Food Donations!

The days, months, or years that a child goes without proper nutrition creates problems that last a lifetime. But when you feed kids through Connecting your Vision, you become part of the solution

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